

The United Nations recognizes the plan presented by the plant within the OGMP 2.0 project with the “Gold Standard” award, the highest possible valuation. Within the framework of Saggas's commitment to the environment, the United Nations, through its Environment Programme (UNEP), has recently awarded the “Gold...

This reduction has been possible thanks to the measures implemented by the plant in the 2014-2020 Strategic Carbon Plan. Saggas has approved a new Strategic Carbon Plan, which will be developed between 2021 and 2026, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Sagunto regasification plant...

The artists of the NGO PayaSOSpital made a new visit to the Sagunto Hospital on Monday, May 3rd. With this visit, which has been carried out in compliance with all security protocols against Covid-19, the artists of this NGO have provided psychological support to patients...

The Sagunto regasification plant has served 871 ships in its 15 years of commercial operation. Today marks 15 years since the Sagunto regasification plant started its commercial operation. During this period, Saggas has provided an uninterrupted service that has helped ensure the supply of natural...

The plant started small-scale operations last year. The Sagunto regasification plant has managed a total of 1.31 million tons of LNG (liquefied natural gas) in 2020. Specifically, during the past year, Saggas unloaded 1,313,818 tons of LNG, with a total production of 20,072 GWh. These data...

Saggas is one of the 62 companies around the world that has voluntarily joined the OGMP 2.0 project promoted by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The OGMP 2.0 project aims to reduce methane emissions by 45% by 2025 and between 60% and 75% by 2030. Saggas...

For yet another year, Saggas, within its Corporate Social Responsibility policy, has promoted the contest to choose the design of its Christmas card among the members of the San Cristóbal Occupational Center. Around thirty users of this occupational center for people with functional diversity have participated...