31 Oct 10 years of Saggas’ verified Environmental Declaration
In line with the commitment to the environment, Saggas has published its Environmental Declaration corresponding to the 2018 exercise. This document is prepared taking into account the requirements established in the UNE-EN ISO-14001 norm of Environmental Management Systems and the 1221/2009 Regulation of Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS III).
With this edition, Saggas has completed 10 consecutive years preparing its Environmental Declaration and obtaining verification by AENOR, which consolidates our commitment to the environment.
Moreover, in 2019, Saggas has completed 10 years since the obtention of the EMAS registration. In March 2009, Saggas was the first regasification plant in Spain that obtained this registration that, since then, has been maintaining and renovating annually.
You can access the complete Environmental Declaration of Saggas trough the following link: www.saggas.com/pdf/DECLARACION-AMBIENTAL-PLANTA-DE-REGASIFICACION-DE-SAGUNTO.pdf