23 Jul Saggas Supported 43 social initiatives in Sagunto and Camp de Morvedre in 2023
- The company maintains a strong commitment to the economic and social development of its immediate surroundings by collaborating on initiatives in five areas: culture, environment, sports, social action, and local development.
- Saggas ha publicado su Memoria de Sostenibilidad correspondiente al año 2023. Este documento supone un ejercicio de transparencia en el que se muestran los indicadores de la compañía en materia de criterios ESG.
Saggas has published its 2023 Sustainability Report. This document is an exercise in transparency that displays the company’s indicators regarding ESG criteria.
Saggas’ Sustainability Report highlights the company’s broad commitment to Sagunto and the Camp de Morvedre region. Specifically, during 2023, Saggas supported 43 initiatives in its immediate environment within its five areas of action: culture, sports, social action, environment, and local development. This effort was recognized with the Social Company award at the annual awards organized by ASECAM.
Specifically, in the field of social action, Saggas has continued its support of the Centre Solidari d’Aliments de Sagunt, an institution of which it is a sponsor, with an extraordinary contribution in 2023 to help maintain its activities. Additionally, as part of its agreement with PayaSOSpital, Saggas promoted three visits by this NGO to the pediatric ward of Sagunto Hospital. The NGO’s mission is to improve the emotional health of hospitalized children through humor and laughter. Other initiatives in this area have included support for the Asociación de Daño Cerebral en Adultos y Menores (ADACAM) to create a short film to raise awareness about people with brain injuries, and a joint collaboration with Lepicentre to acquire an adapted vehicle for the Asociación de Familiares de Personas con Enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias del Camp de Morvedre y Puçol (AFACAM).
In the field of culture, Saggas has collaborated with initiatives deeply rooted in the local community, such as the Cultura Clásica workshops, the Sagunt a Escena and Al Crepuscle festivals, the theatrical play “Passió en Viu”, and with the Bancaja Foundation, which it supports in the cultural programming that the institution develops in Sagunto.
Regarding the environment, under the agreement Saggas maintains with the Generalitat Valenciana through the Center for Environmental Education of the Valencian Community (CEACV), the company has collaborated in the construction of a new bird observatory at the Fanegas area in the Marjal dels Moros.
Lastly, in the sports field, Saggas has continued to support various public sports events held in Sagunto and has contributed to the promotion of grassroots sports by sponsoring several local sports clubs.
For more detailed information, you can consult the plant’s CSR report on its website: https://www.saggas.com/en/press-room/report/